Senior Citizens
Greenport offers a range of services for its senior citizens.
Contact Louis Hannett at 518-828-6878 for more information
or contact the Senior Citizens Club.
Greenport Senior Citizens Club Officers
President: Louis Hannett
Vice President: Guy Apicella
Secretary: Georgeann Miller
Treasurer: Betty Keeler
Trustees: Jo Ann Marvin, Candace Madison
The club meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at the Greenport Town Hall. We participate in many activities including the summer picnic, the Christmas party, and the 75-25 raffle.
We have had many interesting speakers, such as law enforcement officers, representatives from the Health Care Consortium, Library, Office of the Aging, Mental Health, Nutrition and many more.
Any resident of Columbia County, age 50 or over, is welcome to join our club. Please contact any officer, or just show up at any of our meetings; we will always welcome you.
See below for our rules and regulations along with information about the New York State Lifeline program.
Greenport Senior Citizens Rules & Regulations
Helpful Links for Seniors
The Columbia County OFA (Office for the Aging) can assist
with a variety services:
Meals on Wheels
Senior Center Meals
Shopping Assistance
Home Care Services
Caregiver Support (Respite)
Transportation to appointments and non-medical transportation
Senior Safety Net
Project Lifesaver
Legal Assistance and much more!